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Kota Tinggi
Woo.. Went to Kota Tinggi over the weekend. Supposed to be a relaxing trip but the itinerary so shiong that it we were all shagged out by the time we got back to Singapore. It was fun though. Definitely had more fun than I expected to have.

This trip made me realise that its really not where you go, but who you go with. The trip looked depressing before it even started with a few of them pangseh-ing. The weather wasn't kind to us. It was raining when we reached the waterfall. We got lost and stranded after the cab driver left us at the seafood place. The boat broke down during the firefly tour and we had to jump boat in the middle of river. Witnessed a 'murder' taking place when the guy on the bridge stopped and dump 2 packages into the river while our boat was floating around. Wow. But still we just laughed it off and did not let it bother us. When you start feeling low, you just stop being low and be awesome instead. True story. 

lol this is hilarious

Kids are like pets
Seeing some people walk their dogs downstairs today made me realise.. Kids are just like pets.

When they're really young, they're like dogs. They're constantly running around the house banging into things. They pee and poop all over the place. Well, maybe children poop in their diapers but still they 'go' whenever they want to. At least until they become toilet trained. When you bring them out, you have to keep them on a tight leash to make sure they don't do run away and hurt themselves or go missing. They cry/bark and basically make a lot of noise in public places and they are banned in certain places.

When they start to grow up to become a teenager, they evolve to become like cats. Yes from dogs to cats. Now everybody knows you don't really own a cat. They come and go as they please, sometimes leaving the house for a few days and when you're just about to put up a missing poster, they come strutting back home. 
Hmmm interesting.... What an insightful afternoon hahahhaha...

Anw.. Reading all the blogs that I have read in the past sure brings back memories. I'm amazed so many are still active. Time for me to be an active blogger again. Need to improve my writing skills cos according to CPE183 a computer engineering is supposed to have good writing skills. OWNED that paper btw. Hope the grades reflect how much I thought I owned it. 

What a wonderful phrase
Ain't no passing craze

It means no worries
For the rest of your days
Its a problem free..

Just watched the Lion King at MBS Sands Theatre. The place is damn atas man. Felt it was over rated though. Yea it was good. But perhaps too much hype was created about it such that it got my expectations too high.
Or maybe because I was feeling tired so I din enjoy it as much as I felt I should.

Chiann says: See! Its not good to have too high expectations.
Forever the pessimisst.

I think they did a great job catering to the Singaporean audience. All the jokes about the Merlion and the Singlish from Timon. I think Timon was the only one who bothered to incorporate the Singlish in his act. Haha besides the merlion from Zazu.
bathe bathe

hi bendan
just to show you that my blog is 3 years and running. u stop talking beside my back

100 percent in 1, or less than perfect in many
I have come to realised that I like being busy. Even though it means less time to myself, I would still rather be pre-occupied with stuff than having nothing to do at all. Sure I have lots of tutorials and projects deadlines to meet, but they're nth fun compared to hall stuff or squash.
These last 2 weeks as a JCRC member has taken up much of my time. Long meetings after events, meetings with Darius to prepare me for my SPO term ahead of me, carrom trainings, IVP obligations, gf demanding more chengyi. Somehow I do not find all these to be draining but I rather much enjoy juggling all these committments that I have. In the process, I might have to skip a few more lectures to have a little more slp (becos slp is very impt to me), but hey.. doesn't matter becos I'm happy and I always score well anyway. High self efficacy. Wahaha.

Seems like these past 2 years, I've been taking up more than I can handle. Guess I've always wanted to be part of everything so I try to join everything that I can. But the effort that I can give them is not my best. I should change this year. Who cares about you playing 8 sports when all u need is 1 gold medal to be remembered. Likewise, being unbeaten is IHG is nothing as long as the team doesn't even go into quarters. But I like to feel I'm good so I'm going to keep on repeating that fact.
This year will be different. Good feeling about this year. Hope Ricky is not suay

The Art of Killing Mosquitoes
The first rule:
Always kill them the moment u see them.
Do not procrastinate. Do not assume they would fly away and u would not be harassed by them later that night. That is the single biggest mistake you can make. 你现在不弄死它,以后就会被他弄死. Great words from the gay monk.

I spotted this creature in the daylight just before leaving the room. I tried to kill it but i didn't manage to and i just went out thinking it would be gone by night anw. Bad move man. It came back with frens that night and thus began the worse night's sleep I got on this holiday. However, I am proud to say that with the loss of sleep, I was awarded with 3 frags, all stylish ways of killing the my lifelong enemies, the Mozzies. You are very lucky to have stumbled across this wonderful piece of infomation. Comparable in prowess to the well known yu ni xin jing and xiang long shi ba jiang, a master of this skill would never be the victims to these blood suckers anymore.

Move #1 - 石猴打蚊子
Prerequisite: Fast hands, sharp eyes, ability to stay as still as possible in the face of danger.
As the name suggest, the stone monkey hits mosquito. Staying as still as possible using your body as bait, lure the sucker to you and just after he bites in, you swat him. Or her. All blood suckers are female FYI. The males feed of plants. Bitches.
Tip: Flexing the muscle area just after she bites would immobilize her like how flexing your muscle prevents the nurse from in the doctor from poking that nasty needle into you. After the bitch is stuck, go for the kill.

Move #2 - 睡龙不再睡
Prerequisite: Sharp ears, ability to wake from deep sleep into battle mode instantly.
Mosquitoes like to fly around your ears when all other parts of your body are covered. Perhaps its because your ears give off the most heat but its a good thing that you know they're around. When they bite down on your ear, smash your ear and hopefully trap them in. (Its a little disgusting but I've managed to do this unknowingly one night.) The desired result: To trap the little bugger in your ear and crush him inside your ear. No I don't think they'll go down your ear canal. I doubt anything wants to be down there. Give a sadistic smile as you hear her die in your ear. That's what they deserve for taking your blood.

Move #3 - 乱打乱Swipe
No prerequisite required. All you need is your hatred for mosquitoes.
Trust your instinct as the superior being. You should be able to feel them even in the dark. Hone you skills. The easiest targets are those that fly around your head because you can use your sharp hearing to pinpoint their location. If not, train your hearing. Of the 3 kills last night, 2 died under this move. One having drank too much of my blood was slow and it did not take much to smash it against my forehead when he landed. What a bloody mess it was. But it was my blood so it doesn't matter. And with my forensics skills, I concluded that the second was simply crushed when I rolled over it. My pillow was stained with her corpse. I probably injured or killed it before it got on my pillow although I don't remember. Whoever heard of mosquitoes getting squished.

Train hard and may the force be with you.
Remember: 要快,要狠,要准!

Chao ah kua
I never knew it could be so difficult to work with a really hardworking guy. So far all the complains that i have heard from my coursemates are that their partners are slackers. In my case, I think i'm the one who has done very little work.

But he pisses me off with his low eq and vietnam slang. Nothing nice comes out of his mouth.

Not everything your 'frens' say are correct. In fact, nothing has been correct so far. U were wrong about the how difficult it was to use the LED on the MCU. So what if your fren took weeks. We did it in 2 days. Without your help. Your fren said its not possible to use the LCD and the 7Seg together? Please check the board b4 u ask silly questions. They were both enabled at the time you asked me this stupid question. And your fren once again said deadline is on lab4. Then why do they put lab5 into the lab schedule dumbass. Quit quoting your fren and be a man. Decide some things on your own.

Never in a million years would i have thought that having 70% of my lab done for me was such a bad thing. I would probably have saved much more time working alone with the amount of work i spent debugging your programs. Your whole life is a mess like your codes. If only you were less careless and neater, you would have saved a hell lot of time. So quit blaming me for the slow progress.

I on the other hand, am taking my own sweet time to do my stuff. Cos i like to be childish. U piss me off i piss u off. I am sure you value ur grades more than i do. So you're going down with me.

Ultimately, I guess you will probably die in the workforce. Who cares if you're a genius if you have low eq. Its not how good you are. Its always about who's on ur side because they like you. Life is a game of survivor. Outplay, outlast, outwit.

The sem is coming to an end. Hopefully this will be the last time i see you.

After doing so much and helping out as much as you could, you still arent part of them.
After coughing so much, the phelgm still stays.
After screaming so much, maybe the anger does disappear. But sadness replaces it...

Don't give in to rage. It always wins logic.

Quote of our 7th Month
Lets start this new quote thing. Every monthly anniversary we come up with a quote. Sounds fun. And here's the first one.

Quote for the 7th month - "WAHAHAHA.. YOU FORGOT! YESSSS!"

Now how about a more serious quote.
You said you would tell ur parents when we were 1 year into it. Sweetest thing is, nobody questioned whether we would last tt long. Maybe we just knew...

Happy 7 months dear!